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fredrcox | all galleries >> Galleries >> cypress_and_water_nw_louisiana > Bayou Chemin-A-Haut
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Bayou Chemin-A-Haut

Bayou Chemin-A-Haut is a very pretty little bayou that flows into Bayou Bartholomew. Both Chemin-A-Haut and Bartholomew enter northeast Louisiana from Arkansas. A nice hour long video on Bayou Bartholomew is as follows:

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Yiannis Pavlis10-Aug-2015 17:49
So lovely.
Buz Kiefer05-Mar-2015 23:49
Beautiful mid-autumn photo, Fred. The fog, the buttressed trunks and the autumn pallet are hard to beat. Vote.
nightwings18-Nov-2014 17:20
Absolutely beautiful photo
Coleen Perilloux Landry18-Nov-2014 03:57
Such wonderful color and the mist adds greatly to the beauty.
Phil Orgeron16-Nov-2014 17:06
Love the diverse tree and branch formations. The foliage color and color layering are also terrific in this image. A wall hanger for sure.
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