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GL1800 Maintenance video now available at

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New Honda Starter Relays  Relay A has red connector and Relay B has a blue connector
New Honda Starter Relays Relay A has red connector and Relay B has a blue connector
You need to move the left saddlebag out some to access the relays (refer to saddlebag removal procedures)
You need to move the left saddlebag out some to access the relays (refer to saddlebag removal procedures)
Disconnect the battery before you start to work on the Starter Relays
Disconnect the battery before you start to work on the Starter Relays
Starter Relay A pulled free from the fender tabs
Starter Relay A pulled free from the fender tabs
Pull off the boots to expose the lugs
Pull off the boots to expose the lugs
Starter Relay A removed from bike
Starter Relay A removed from bike
New Starter Relay A pushed into rubber isolation housing
New Starter Relay A pushed into rubber isolation housing
Putting the lugs back on Relay A
Putting the lugs back on Relay A
Relay A back in place and rubber caps pushed back on lugs
Relay A back in place and rubber caps pushed back on lugs
The red connector for relay A gets plugged back in.
The red connector for relay A gets plugged back in.
Relay B pulled off of fender
Relay B pulled off of fender
Both relays back in place
Both relays back in place
Fender tabs go through the slots in the rubber isolators to hold the relays in place
Fender tabs go through the slots in the rubber isolators to hold the relays in place
Dissecting relay A
Dissecting relay A
Relay A contacts show some slight signs of arcing and wear
Relay A contacts show some slight signs of arcing and wear
This is how the contacts engage when the solenoid pushes them closed
This is how the contacts engage when the solenoid pushes them closed
Seperate the halves of the throttle control assy to get to the starter switch. Remove harness clamp to give yourself slack
Seperate the halves of the throttle control assy to get to the starter switch. Remove harness clamp to give yourself slack
Remove the cruise switch above the start switch, then remove the start switch
Remove the cruise switch above the start switch, then remove the start switch
The switch should come out free of the housing
The switch should come out free of the housing
Carefully pry out on the top portion of the tab to release the top half of the switch
Carefully pry out on the top portion of the tab to release the top half of the switch
Top half  free of tab locks
Top half free of tab locks
Now you can see the contacts
Now you can see the contacts
Contacts on top half are grimy
Contacts on top half are grimy
Clean and lube with dielectric grease
Clean and lube with dielectric grease
Clean with alcohol and lube with dielectric grease
Clean with alcohol and lube with dielectric grease
I also lubed the return spring
I also lubed the return spring
ThrottleSwitchHousing 001a.JPG
ThrottleSwitchHousing 001a.JPG