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Frank Wilson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picture-A-Day Gallery 2012 > November 4, 2012
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04-NOV-2012 Frank Wilson

November 4, 2012



Tools of the Trade

Findlay, OHIO

Nikon D90
1/125s f/11.0 at 34.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Coleen Perilloux Landry05-Nov-2012 14:12
I will be glad when this is over and whoever is President can get to the busy of being President.
Frank Wilson05-Nov-2012 12:50
Thanks for your comment. Which ever candidate wins HE will be my president. I bet if they left it up to you and I we could get together for some positive things.
David Sands05-Nov-2012 12:06
It's almost over $2,000,000,000 spent on this thing and in one day a few precent of the people will make a choice.
I lean the other way, but wish our side, as well as your could all just get together. Much like Canon adn Nikon shooters- we ALL want GREAT Pictures; we just use differnet tools for the same outcome. LOL
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