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frank liu | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorites > Sea Kayaking in Vancouver
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25-APR-2006 Frank Liu

Sea Kayaking in Vancouver

Vancouver, BC, Canada

FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Zoom
1/170s f/4.0 at 44.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Valene07-May-2008 17:51
I love this sunset photo!. Voted.
Guest 12-Mar-2008 12:41
Wonderful - really beautiful colouring V
alfredo camba jr.27-Feb-2008 15:17
Wonderful sunset! Very nice composition! Vote!
Juha Ylitalo29-Sep-2007 08:51
Nice shot! I like very much.
Guest 25-Jun-2007 16:34
My fav in this gallery. Excellent composition Frank. Big vote.
Martha Albuquerque13-Jun-2007 11:08
Chris27-May-2007 21:01
Really something. Perfect silouhette and composition.
tomsview26-May-2007 06:50
Beautiful shot!
Yiannis Pavlis19-May-2007 14:03
Congratulations on this wonderful image.beautifull colors and perspective.v.
Guest 18-Apr-2007 09:34
Excellent shot...
Rob Rosetti27-Apr-2006 16:58
Great shot, Frank, a classic! Vote. Roberto