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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > The Connecticut River
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31-May-2018 Frank Brault

The Connecticut River

Old Saybrook, Connecticut USA

About 5 miles from where it flows into Long Island Sound.
The Nature Conservancy named the Connecticut River's tidelands one of the Western Hemisphere's "40 Last Great Places",

Olympus PEN-F Digital ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm f2.8 PRO ,Best at original size
1/320s f/5.6 at 40.0mm iso200 Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Greenberg04-Jun-2018 01:33
Cropping the image like this to give it this tightly focused panoramic view focuses the eye on all the essential elements. Very well done Frank. ~BV~
laine03-Jun-2018 06:09
I love the way the grass and water meet...very pretty there, Frank. V
Marcia Rules02-Jun-2018 14:15
LOVE this! Great use of the light and textures. Love the framing as well... BV
Walter Otto Koenig02-Jun-2018 14:12
Fascinating study in contrasts and textures. "V"
Jeff Real02-Jun-2018 13:39
I love the beauty in this fine composition
Robert Tallent01-Jun-2018 23:47
Nicely lit and composed sylvan mystery:what lies beyond the strip of grass?