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Frank Brault

Lynches Pub and Grub.

Sarosota, Florida

This restaurant and pub was originally established on Longboat Key in 1986 by two sisters from Ireland, Ethna and Chris Lynch. The sign was cut in two to try and bring it into compliance with the town's sign code. It ended up costing them a fine of $5,000.

In 2003 they moved to St. Armand's Circle and changed the name slightly. Anne and I ate there and had the Cork Cottage Pie. It was the best shepherd's pie that we have ever had in a restaurant, including Ireland. We liked it so much that we ordered two to go and brought them back to our hotel to eat later. Anne's brother and his wife had the Cork Cottage Pie there 19 years ago and said it was the best they have ever had. They were right. :) We also met the two sisters and they were very nice.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus OM 50mm f/2 Auto-Macro ,Best at original size.
1/60s f/3.2 at 12.0mm iso640 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Karen Stuebing30-Mar-2014 20:14
Sounds like a wonderful evening. Very Irish sign and nicely made. Great capture of it. V.
Tom LeRoy30-Mar-2014 17:54
Cool sign and very interesting story! That Cork Cottage Pie does sound very good. V