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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Cameras & Lenses >> Olympus ED 75mm, f/1.8 M.Zuiko > Sunset between the houses across the street.
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Frank Brault

Sunset between the houses across the street.

West Hartford, CT USA

My wife, Anne looked out the window and called me when she saw this beautiful sunset.

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75mm F1.8 ,_Best at original size
1/500s f/2.2 at 75.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE314-Nov-2013 22:28
A very good capture. V
bill friedlander14-Nov-2013 22:22
So dramatic with the branches intertwined. Nicely framed by the houses. V
SLC_Images14-Nov-2013 04:38
great sunset colors, for sure! VT!
Tom LeRoy13-Nov-2013 22:26
A fascinating sunset as a beautiful backdrop to the silhouetted trees! V
laine13-Nov-2013 22:10
A good call some sunsets!!
Karen Stuebing13-Nov-2013 21:48
Gorgeous mix of colors in this beautiful sunset. I like the view of it through the tree silhouettes.
Janet Donnelly13-Nov-2013 21:45
Holy Cow! That's just totally awesome! ~V~
Walter Otto Koenig13-Nov-2013 15:39
Great with these silhouettes and colors. Seems yesterday was a special day, I've seen fiery sunsets posted from Europe and the Eastern and Western U.S. "V"
borisalex13-Nov-2013 15:07
Great evening sky with the colors and the silhoutted trees against! V.
Chris Spracklen13-Nov-2013 13:56
Stunning sky tines and richly detailed silhouettes, Frank. *V*
Stephanie13-Nov-2013 11:48
Amazingly beautiful colors! V
Mairéad13-Nov-2013 10:41
Great colours and nicely framed. V