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Gus Stangeland | profile | all galleries >> National Parks in Southwest USA >> Old Tucson Studios tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Old Tucson Studios

Old Tucson Studios is where the West was filmed! From western movie heroes like John Wayne to current box-office stars such as Harrison Ford, many of Hollywood's legends have walked these rugged streets, the setting for hundreds of major motion pictures. From daring cowboy stunts with fiery explosions to rip-roarin' can-can musicals and comedies, Old Tucson offers exciting old west entertainment during its regular season. And don't miss Old Tucson Studios' very own "silent" movie star, The Reno locomotive! Proudly stationed at the north end of town, The Reno has more than 100 film and television credits.
Reno Steam Engine
Reno Steam Engine
Used in over 100 movies
Used in over 100 movies
Inside the cockpit
Inside the "cockpit"
View from the engineer's cab
View from the engineer's cab
Very pretty flowering tree!
Very pretty flowering tree!
The train goes around entire park
The train goes around entire park
I just had to drive the Model T!
I just had to drive the Model T!
Haven't done this since 6 Flags
Haven't done this since 6 Flags
6 Flags drive was about 35 years ago!
6 Flags drive was about 35 years ago!
Here she comes!
Here she comes!
Flowering Caret Cup Cactus
Flowering Caret Cup Cactus
Flowering Caret Cup Cactus
Flowering Caret Cup Cactus
Bank Robbery
Bank Robbery
The Sheriff gets ready
The Sheriff gets ready
They got the robber!
They got the robber!
Witnesses identify him
Witnesses identify him
Off he goes to be sentenced
Off he goes to be sentenced
Now don't you take a picture of me!
Now don't you take a picture of me!
Hearing the punishment read
Hearing the punishment read
Ya, but I can still slap her behind!
Ya, but I can still slap her behind!
Justice will be served
Justice will be served
The End
The End