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Gus Stangeland | profile | all galleries >> National Parks in Southwest USA >> Carlsbad Caverns tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns National Park was established to preserve Carlsbad Cavern and numerous other caves within a Permian-age fossil reef. The park contains 83 separate caves, including the nation's deepest limestone cave, and at 1,597 feet, the third longest. The so-called "Big Room" is large enough to hold 14 Astrodomes! The evening flight of Mexican free-tailed bats from the entrance of Carlsbad Cavern is one of the park's principal visitor attractions. Free-tailed bats are a colonial species that feed entirely on insects. The colony at Carlsbad is comprised primarily of females who give birth to their young from June through July before migrating south in October to winter in Mexico. (We were not able to see the bats since they had not yet returned from Mexico.)
The Big Room
The Big Room
Another view of Big Room
Another view of Big Room
Christmas Tree stalagmite
Christmas Tree stalagmite
2D photos can't capture these
2D photos can't capture these
Interesting colors
Interesting colors
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The dome
The dome
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Soda straw stalactites
Soda straw stalactites
At the visitor center
At the visitor center
View of area around Carlsbad
View of area around Carlsbad
See the lizard?
See the lizard?