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18-DEC-2013 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Cracks in the Ice!

It's interesting that we still have some ice on Delta Ponds, even though we have had a few warm days since our snow storm and ice last week. Our snow is pretty much gone now, except for a few spots and what is piled up in parking lots.
I wonder what winter is going to be like?

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Laura Milholland22-Dec-2013 05:53
I love the cracked fingers reaching out into the pond. Very nice composition, Vern.
Carl Carbone21-Dec-2013 05:11
Very artistic image!
Richard Marcus20-Dec-2013 21:54
Beautiful composition and lighting. Stunning image! V.
Steve Thuman20-Dec-2013 04:14
Sure pretty. Are the dark areas that look like tree branches shadows from a tree or did the ice melt there to look like tree branches?
Being Me20-Dec-2013 03:56
Love the shadows! We have twice the normal amount of snow already. I am ready for Spring! V
Julie Oldfield20-Dec-2013 03:19
Beautifully composed.
John Ewing19-Dec-2013 21:53
There's a tiny Russian icebreaker in there somewhere.
janescottcumming19-Dec-2013 21:08
A really like the saturated colors in this. It is a striking image!
Anitta19-Dec-2013 19:50
Lovely, artistic image. Very interesting! V
Martin Lamoon19-Dec-2013 19:28
Winter brings so many wonderful shapes. Great picture.
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS19-Dec-2013 16:59
Amazing, great lighting!
Chris Gibbins19-Dec-2013 16:41
Great shadows, nice line, and sure looks cold!
Hank Vander Velde19-Dec-2013 16:18
A nice wintry image Vern.
Guest 19-Dec-2013 16:10
Nice capture of these light/shadows on the ice..
Ruth Voorhis19-Dec-2013 15:48
Lovely capture, Vern.
Walter Otto Koenig19-Dec-2013 15:46
Very nicely seen. I like the outlines of the cracks in the ice. They look like a river system.
Ed Duverger19-Dec-2013 15:34
Better not to walk on it..
Irene Wehrli19-Dec-2013 13:49
Wonderfully captured Vern - same here, after some really cold weeks it's getting warmer now. The snow has melted and rain is predicted...
Guest 19-Dec-2013 12:30
Nicely captured, Vern
Stephanie19-Dec-2013 12:11
A fairytale-like image Vern! Love the colorful lighting and compo! The break in the ice is fascinating! V
Mike H.19-Dec-2013 11:37
Opportune capture of ice fracture and limb shadow-play; very nice!
Kim19-Dec-2013 11:02
Nice almost abstract image! V
danad19-Dec-2013 10:41
Love the colors and the composition. V.
Yvonne19-Dec-2013 10:16
A lovely cooling image Vern, I could do with some cooling today! v
joseantonio19-Dec-2013 06:40
Light is really lovely and those shadows make the image more attractive.V.
Helen Betts19-Dec-2013 06:36
Beautifully composed and lit, and the shadows add great interest.
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