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florijn | profile | all galleries >> Benchmade, various >> Benchmade Skirmish 630 series tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Benchmade Skirmish 630 series

For a large detailed picture klick on the thumbnail and than "original".

The Skirmish I once had.
Benchmade 630 (3 hole) Sept. 2003 prototype front
Benchmade 630 (3 hole) Sept. 2003 prototype front
Benchmade 630 (3 hole) Sept. 2003 prototype back
Benchmade 630 (3 hole) Sept. 2003 prototype back
Benchmade 630 (4 hole) Feb. 2004 prototype front
Benchmade 630 (4 hole) Feb. 2004 prototype front
Benchmade 630 (4 hole) Feb. 2004 prototype back
Benchmade 630 (4 hole) Feb. 2004 prototype back
Benchmade 630-400 front
Benchmade 630-400 front
Benchmade 630-400 back
Benchmade 630-400 back