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Larry Hill

Double Arch

Arches National Park, Utah

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fotabug04-Nov-2012 16:58
wow, they are huge! wouldn't have been able to tell perspective without the people!
Ruth Voorhis02-Nov-2012 02:18
A breathtaking scene, with the tiny people providing scale for the enormity of these formations. Beautifully taken, Larry.
Paul Milholland01-Nov-2012 21:43
What a formation. . . wow!
Laura Milholland01-Nov-2012 17:30
Terrific shot, and I love it in B/W. I too am happy to have people in the shot so we can truly appreciate the magnitude of the arches.
Ed Duverger01-Nov-2012 13:49
Amazing structure.
Roger Bailey01-Nov-2012 12:14
The people give it a sense of its size.
graham 01-Nov-2012 08:30
Great shape and texture in this rock
Bea.01-Nov-2012 07:23
Good to see the people, gives an idea of the size of the arch.