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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> My Copenhagen - Mit København >> Best of Copenhagen > Søtorvet sunset
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01-JUN-2006 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Søtorvet sunset

Denmark, Copenhagen

Another shot from Thursdays fantastic sunset.
This one a close up of 'Søtorvet' in a square crop.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/30s f/8.0 at 97.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marisa Livet07-Aug-2008 12:03
I have already looked at this photo many times, but I realize you could not know that, because of a total lack of signs of my passage.
I think it’s the time to express my feeling for this photo, which always makes me feel enchanted. The matter is that, like when I look at something quite beautiful, I feel like doing that silently, because I’m totally absorbed.
The golden sunset light is perfectly captures and you could freeze a scene of perfect peace and harmony.
andrea 25-Mar-2007 02:31
Fantastic shot
Ashley Hockenberry05-Oct-2006 19:49
Michael Weinberg19-Jun-2006 16:07
Hello Flemming. What a fantastic twighlight, semi-slow shutter speed shot with great inner framing... the reflecting waters below and the dramatic sky above. And still, capturing the essence of the great light in the structures. Marvelous work. I can see I am going to have to spend some time visiting your galleries. Hats off to you Flemming. All my best, Michael.
Rosi Blaurock05-Jun-2006 16:08
Wonderful shot.
Beverly Wickersham05-Jun-2006 15:49
Beautiful shot. The late evening sun against these buildings is spectacular. Vote.
Herb 05-Jun-2006 15:00
Nice image
cfrederick05-Jun-2006 14:51