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Animal Airlift from Georgia to Pennsylvania

On May 27, 2003, pilots from Sky Ark, Inc. flew to Griffin, GA. They picked up 4 dogs and 1 cat who had run out of time at the local animal shelter, and flew them to Meadowlands, PA, where Angel Ridge Animal Rescue will find them new homes.

More information about Sky Ark can be found at their website:
More information about Angel Ridge can be found at:
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mickey reassures his passengers
mickey reassures his passengers
wow - roomy seats!
wow - roomy seats!
Sorry, that wasn't your seat after all
Sorry, that wasn't your seat after all
I'm buckled in - can we go now?
I'm buckled in - can we go now?
sorry - I cant use that step
sorry - I cant use that step
fully loaded
fully loaded
ready for takeoff
ready for takeoff
Left behind
Left behind
Reba waves goodbye and good luck to  the others
Reba waves goodbye and good luck to the others
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