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Dennis Camp | profile | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Cincinnati Nature Center - Rowe Woods tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cincinnati Nature Center - Rowe Woods

Cincinnati Nature Center, Rowe Woods, Clermont County, Ohio

Rowe Woods and the Cincinnati Nature Center was founded In 1965, a handful of dedicated and visionary naturalists
Including founders Stanley M. Rowe Sr., Karl H. Maslowski, Kay Benedict, Helen Black and Katherine T. Nyce, created an organization where people could experience, study and enjoy the natural world. Cincinnati Nature Center's original site, Rowe Woods in Union Township, Ohio, was the physical location for this new organization.

Return to Rowe Woods Website where you can find out more about this nature preserve and other photo galleries.

Autumn Floating leaf pictures from Rowe Woods
Some other Minimalistic Photos on Powell Crosley Lake
Colour versions of the autumn leaves.

Pictures on this page and in Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods can be view purchase site.
There are some other pictures not posted on this site there as well.

All Photographs are Copyright © Dennis Camp - All Rights Reserved

Rowe Woods | Woodland Nature  Preserve
Rowe Woods | Woodland Nature Preserve
Powel Crosley Lake, Rowe Woods
Powel Crosley Lake, Rowe Woods
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