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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black & White > Bench
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Summer 2004 Dennis Camp


Hilton Head Island

Audubon Nature Preserve

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Mary Bowles20-Mar-2013 09:37
Lovely picture with a mysterious air.
A place for tender meetings.
J Rayner13-Nov-2011 22:49
wow this I love!
regi olbrechts10-Mar-2007 09:02
Very nice shot Dennis. Strong composition - bench heightwise nicely in the middle, works in this case! - strong perspective on the right and this all wrapped in subtle B\W tones.
Pic feels like a dream. And is that for photographers not one of the biggest compliments?
Mindy McNaugher12-Nov-2006 15:02
Exquisite black and white image! Fabulous ambiance! Vote!
markvm12-Nov-2006 14:36
Beautiful B&W.
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