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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Travels and Vacations >> Jamestown Rediscovery - Godspeed Cottage > Words v2
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June 2006 Dennis Camp

Words v2

Washington DC | Lincoln Memorial

Timing is everything, this one won an award

Award Information

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 24-Nov-2011 08:53
Simply superb. ~V~
Enrico Martinuzzi27-Feb-2011 18:08
Fantastic shot!
Tony Griffen25-Nov-2010 18:12
Great capture!
Terry Bowker31-Jan-2010 23:24
Nailed it! Outstanding!
Carol How15-Sep-2008 06:38
The title says it all. Very powerful!
Ken Zaret17-Aug-2008 21:54
powerful image, well done.
snootydog14-Aug-2008 07:49
A well deserved award. this is excellent
Thomas11-Jul-2008 17:07
congrats! this is a winner in every way! V
Guest 16-Apr-2008 10:16
A very powerful image. Big Vote.
Julie Hatvany07-Jan-2008 12:23
Amazing shot. Exceptional in its composition.
Andres Sanchez06-Nov-2007 18:50
Very powerful!... V
Guest 06-Nov-2007 18:11
amazing! very appealing. I really love it. V!
Enrico Martinuzzi06-Nov-2007 11:20
Outstanding! so powerful in its simplicity.
Jeff B.06-Nov-2007 02:20
graeme 01-Nov-2007 19:53
this picture not only captivates the eyes but also focuses on balance. there is one boy to millions of names yet they both are equally important. even though one thing is small or even miniscule does not mean its purpose and meaning are any less important to everything surrounding it. very good job. sometimes the best moments are the ones that only last a second.
Guest 06-Oct-2007 02:25
an incredible image - brilliant capture! Big V
leelou09-Sep-2007 18:02
Beautiful photo ! Impressive :-) v.
regi olbrechts10-Mar-2007 09:05
Brilliant. Impressive. Even I feel very small when I look at yout photograph here!
Great B\W.
Only Henri Cartier Bresson could have done better.
Guest 22-Nov-2006 14:30
Amazing image....V.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 11:38
all about perspective (I still like the wing one better)...
René Lortie25-Sep-2006 01:41
Magnifique. We can feel "le poids des mots" (words weight). Great photo.
Mindy McNaugher25-Sep-2006 01:39
Awesome photo!! I can see why it won an award! This is tremendous! Vote!
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