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Felix_Timmermann | profile | all galleries >> WP-Twitching >> Netherlands 02/2016 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Netherlands 02/2016

Yet another trip to the Netherlands, main goal where lesser white-fronted Geese, Yellowlegs, Red-Breasted Goose and the smart Rubythroat was an obvious bird to visit. Sadly neither goose, nor the Yellowlegs could be found.
The Siberian Rubythroat gave great views, however the better the light got and thus the more people were walking their dogs, the more skulky the bird became.
First view of the Rubythroat just after the rain faded. Just me and the Rubythroat for hours, great time! Siberian Rubythroat Siberian Rubythroat
Further west, up to 26 wintering lesser-white fronted Geese where reported from Camperduin.. Hours searching proofed in vain as not a single bird could be found among well around 10k Birds. Hares chatting ;)