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Fred Dietrich | profile | all galleries >> Brooks goes to Wakulla Springs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Brooks goes to Wakulla Springs

Brooks at Wakulla Springs
Brooks at Wakulla Springs
Walking to the diving tower
Walking to the diving tower
Not afraid of alligators
Not afraid of alligators
Still not afraid
Still not afraid
I'm looking for a manatee
I'm looking for a manatee
This is what they look like
This is what they look like
I see a mommy manatee with her baby
I see a mommy manatee with her baby
Two mommies with their babies
Two mommies with their babies
Mommy comes up for air
Mommy comes up for air
Brooks with 11 foot long Old Joe
Brooks with 11 foot long "Old Joe"
Old Joe
Old Joe
Brooks looking for alligators
Brooks looking for alligators
Some ducks on the river
Some ducks on the river
There's an alligator!
There's an alligator!
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
White Ibis
White Ibis
Great Egret
Great Egret
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
Mom and baby eating hydrilla
Mom and baby eating hydrilla
A glass bottom boat, water was too dark to ride
A glass bottom boat, water was too dark to ride
Brooks leaving park
Brooks leaving park
Brooks and Papa's truck
Brooks and Papa's truck
Brooks ready to go hiking
Brooks ready to go hiking