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Faye White | all galleries >> Daily Photo Journal 2005 >> November 2005 > November 7, 2005
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November 7, 2005

Ronald Reagan Park


FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro
1/250s f/8.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Steven Jusczyk08-Nov-2005 09:23
Lovely reflection!
Buz Kiefer08-Nov-2005 00:17
Lovely, all of them, but I particularly enjoy the reflection in the top image.
Roe..07-Nov-2005 22:20
beautiful images..I love this reflection..the colors are so rich
pda_pin07-Nov-2005 20:59
Great reflection.
J. Scott Coile07-Nov-2005 20:57
Starting to show now! Wish I was there instead of here :) Beautiful Faye!
Guest 07-Nov-2005 20:42
very nice place ! You did a beautiful picture, using the light and the reflection. Well done
Focus07-Nov-2005 20:15
Beautiful colors and reflection Faye.....well done.
Lee Rudd07-Nov-2005 19:59
wow... rich colours in trees and pond
Jola Dziubinska07-Nov-2005 18:29
Excellent reflection and colors.