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Faye White | all galleries >> Galleries >> Astrophotography > Moonshot 01/26/02
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26-JAN-2002 Faye White

Moonshot 01/26/02

Taken with my Sony F707 and a Meade ETX-125 telescope.

Sony DSC-F707
1/100s f/4.5 at 9.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ray :)22-Nov-2010 23:43
Beautiful image.
And it even predates when you were a contact of mine!
Guest 10-Jun-2006 15:22
Great Detail
BAS Photography09-Jun-2006 13:33
Outstanding! ~V~
Guest 07-Aug-2002 01:50
I Could write text all day attempting to describe the shear Magnificance of this image. The sense of depth in the lower region is simply breathtaking. I also include Your entire gallery of images when I say that You are a "CLASS ACT"! You have a gift, continue persuing it at all costs. R.J. (boeng727pilot) @ pBASE
Scott Bass 07-Apr-2002 15:22
Hi Faye, I take astrophotos too, I was impressed by your moon pictures and was wondering if you could email me with some more info on how you took them, I am assuming they are afocal eyepiece shots, how did you afix the camera, was your drive engaged etc...thanks, my astro photos are at
Guest 11-Feb-2002 01:11
Outstanding image! Thank you for such a beautiful shot.

Terry -
Guest 08-Feb-2002 03:41
Superb - great photo
