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Peiying Mo | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> The Down Under 2008 >> Melbourne & Sydney >> Sydney tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The unseasonal thunderstorm and heavy rain during the short visit kept us indoor for the most part. The rain stopped right after we went to the concert, so a series of photos were taken along the walk.
Coastal View, near Sydney
Coastal View, near Sydney
The Fountain in Hyde Park
The Fountain in Hyde Park
Tree tunnel in Hyde Park
Tree tunnel in Hyde Park
City view from the Yahoo office
City view from the Yahoo office
Downtown at Night, Look for the Ghosts!!
Downtown at Night, Look for the Ghosts!!
The Harbour Bridge
The Harbour Bridge
On a rainy and overcast day, the Harbour Bridge rises above Sydney's Rocks district
On a rainy and overcast day, the Harbour Bridge rises above Sydney's Rocks district
Approaching the Opera House
Approaching the Opera House
At the Opera House
At the Opera House
Opera House from across the Harbour
Opera House from across the Harbour
Opera House, taken near the Harbour Bridge
Opera House, taken near the Harbour Bridge
Opera House, taken even nearer to the Harbour Bridge
Opera House, taken even nearer to the Harbour Bridge
Opera House, taken from under the Harbour Bridge, on a rainy summer day
Opera House, taken from under the Harbour Bridge, on a rainy summer day
ChinaTown Market
ChinaTown Market
Digeridoos - I managed to make sound out of it
Digeridoos - I managed to make sound out of it
The intricate Queen Victoria Building
The intricate Queen Victoria Building
Mosaic tiles in the QVB
Mosaic tiles in the QVB
Stained glass panels on a staircase in the QVB
Stained glass panels on a staircase in the QVB
One of the two large clocks that hang from the roof of the QVB
One of the two large clocks that hang from the roof of the QVB
The clock is covered with scenes from Australian history
The clock is covered with scenes from Australian history
Clock, QVB
Clock, QVB