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Susan Rovira | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer and Fall in the Colorado Rockies tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Summer and Fall in the Colorado Rockies

Thanks to Stan and Mary for getting us to the right places at the right times. These photos may be purchased here:
1 Antero NWR 2 Boreas Pass 3 Grand Mesa NF
4  Maroon Bells Wilderness 5 Colorado Columbines, Summit County 6 Maroon Bells Wilderness
7 Antero NWR 8 9 Owl Creek Pass
10 Owl Creek Pass 11 Owl Creek Pass 12 Double RL Ranch
13 Double RL Ranch 14 Owl Creek Pass 15 Owl Creek Pass
16 DoubleRLRanch 17 Rio Grande Headwaters 18 RioGrande0510.02Adj.jpg
19 Owl Creek Pass 20 Yankee Boy Basin 21 Owl Creek Pass
22 Owl Creek Pass 23 Yankee Boy Basin 24 Trout fishing in a pond of gold
25 OwlCrPass 26 Yankee Boy Basin 27 Antelope herd
28 Maroon Bells Wilderness 29 Rio Grande Headwaters 30 Marmot
31 Rainy day in the San Juan Mts 32 Owl Creek Pass 33 Yankee Boy Basin
34 Wild Rose 35 Owl Creek Pass 36 Yankee Boy Basin