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Susan Rovira | all galleries >> Galleries >> California Wildflowers > 8
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/500s f/5.0 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wilfred Seefeld11-Sep-2011 05:37
Perfect capture! V
Guest 12-Jul-2011 07:33
Great shot!V
Alain Dumas14-Jun-2011 23:14
Very nice!
katjas18-Feb-2011 11:18
wonderful backlight and details, V
Geoionela28-Jan-2011 20:16
Wonderful backlight!
Blandine Mangin28-Jan-2011 18:08
superb ! v
Guest 19-Sep-2010 15:45
Good backlight!
Guest 14-Sep-2010 22:59
Great shot.
David Bannister03-Sep-2010 08:23
Nicely done! V
kd29-Aug-2010 16:48
just lovely. You have an amazing eye. V
JAGpix11-Jul-2010 03:08
Great artistry
Martin Lamoon04-Jul-2010 06:44
Excellent capture, great light
Judi Hastings19-Jun-2010 00:53
Guest 16-Jun-2010 23:09
Love it! V
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