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Dick Hemmings | profile | all galleries >> Israel 2009 >> Caesarea Maritima tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Caesarea Maritima

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Shreveport Group at Caesarea Maritima
Shreveport Group at Caesarea Maritima
City Moat Around Caesarea
City Moat Around Caesarea
Caesarea Church Ceiling Decoration
Caesarea Church Ceiling Decoration
Palmetto with Seed Pods
Palmetto with Seed Pods
Caesarean Church Ruins
Caesarean Church Ruins
Herod's Palace Ruins
Herod's Palace Ruins
Caesarea Looking out on the Mediterranean
Caesarea Looking out on the Mediterranean
Tour Members Sunning and Posing
Tour Members Sunning and Posing
 plaque describing an ancient Church
plaque describing an ancient Church
Ruins of 6th Century Christian Church
Ruins of 6th Century Christian Church
Plaque Describing the Temple of Caesar
Plaque Describing the Temple of Caesar
Ruins of the Temple of Caesar
Ruins of the Temple of Caesar
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Cat Spy
Cat Spy
Palace Vault Mosaic
Palace Vault Mosaic
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