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Bryce National Park

"Before there were any Indians, the Legend People, To-when-ung-wa, lived in that place. There were many of them. They were many kinds - birds, animals, lizards and such things - but they looked like people. For some reason, the Legend People in that place were bad. Because they were bad, Coyote turned them all into rocks. You can see them in that place now; all turned into rocks; some standing, in rows, some sitting some, some holding onto others. You can see their faces, with paint on them just as they were before they became rocks..." - Paiute Indian Legend
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Bryce National Park
Bryce National Park
Sunset Point
Sunset Point
Sunset Point
Sunset Point
Sunset Point.
Sunset Point.
 Sunset Point
Sunset Point
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g5/36/263036/3/98439554.ogXsQuVl.jpg I couldn't decide   ?1
I couldn't decide ?1
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