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Barry Green Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> images of Brittany > Pont-Aven Bretagne (Brittany)
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sept 2007 by barry green

Pont-Aven Bretagne (Brittany)

Bernard Morinay - le velo du pecheur

le velo du pecheur" by Bernard Morinay, Brittany France.

Paul Gauguin as well as many other famous artists visited Pont Aven
Pont-Aven is mainly known for its art and artists who flocked to this small town in the 1880's, and more currently Bernard Morinay.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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cobler15-Jan-2014 14:49
Beautiful processing on this capture.....V
Lisa26-Jun-2008 01:29
Lovely work, Barry....this photo looks like a soft, romantic painting. Excellent work!
e. joo 28-Sep-2007 16:42
A very beautiful scene and very harmonious color's frame!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 14:29
beautiful romantic image.