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Art versus Photography

Shimbashi district in Tokyo
Shimbashi district in Tokyo
Memories of a Geisha
Memories of a Geisha
2010 BP Portrait Awards portrait  'iDeath' (220 x 170cm oil on canvas)
2010 BP Portrait Awards portrait 'iDeath' (220 x 170cm oil on canvas)
 Astrid Restu - Girl with Pearl Earring
Astrid Restu - Girl with Pearl Earring
actor/model portrait photo in 'old masters' style of Johannes Vermeer's Girl with Pearl Earring
actor/model portrait photo in 'old masters' style of Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with Pearl Earring"
Portrait of Courtney
Portrait of Courtney
Samurai warrior
Samurai warrior
painting exercise with Corel Painter X3 from Martin Addison book
painting exercise with Corel Painter X3 from Martin Addison book