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ever | profile | all galleries >> 2006 >> June, July, Aug 06 >> 7 Days in Puerto Vallarta ! >> Day 5 (tues) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day 5 (tues)

Catamaran cruise
Dinner @ Bodeguita del Medio (cuban)

led by our fierce Capt. Tina
led by our fierce Capt. Tina
if you girls have an uneven tan... here's why..  j/k (ph)
if you girls have an uneven tan... here's why.. j/k (ph)
'cheek to cheek' in proximity... sorry tami for the unintentional action-wedgie shot
'cheek to cheek' in proximity... sorry tami for the unintentional action-wedgie shot
mike... the lighter is still in his pocket at this point
mike... the lighter is still in his pocket at this point
tina checking out fish
tina checking out fish
floating around before heading back to the boat
floating around before heading back to the boat
g2/48/6348/3/66046216.McBjiTeR.jpg it was a packed crowd.. lotta fins to the face
it was a packed crowd.. lotta fins to the face
the corals that the guide kept pulling animals from
the corals that the guide kept pulling animals from
defiant jerry refuses to wear his life vest hehe
defiant jerry refuses to wear his life vest hehe
a small inlet that we got gridlocked into
a small inlet that we got gridlocked into
an attempt at a group pic, needed zoom
an attempt at a group pic, needed zoom
jerry gettin' low
jerry gettin' low
not too interesting
not too interesting
the fish refused to cooperate for my sashimi bite attempt
the fish refused to cooperate for my sashimi bite attempt
on our way to the island (ph)
on our way to the island (ph)
the swim from the catamaran was a little further than we had anticipated
the swim from the catamaran was a little further than we had anticipated
the sand was too hot to stand on
the sand was too hot to stand on
a little bonus coverage on the right as preps for burying jerry is undertaken
a little bonus coverage on the right as preps for burying jerry is undertaken
mike likes the leche with mucho grasa
mike likes the leche with mucho grasa
our photographer was amateur... jerry has mermaid fins
our photographer was amateur... jerry has mermaid fins
tina taking a nap in the tide
tina taking a nap in the tide
mike doing some sand quality control checking
mike doing some sand quality control checking
mike and jerry napping on the deck
mike and jerry napping on the deck
utilizing the netting on the way back (ph)
utilizing the netting on the way back (ph)
crazy storm weather started up at around 6
crazy storm weather started up at around 6
blown away
blown away
more crazy palms action
more crazy palms action
jerry fobs hello to gowoon a few thousand miles away
jerry fobs hello to gowoon a few thousand miles away
while at the restaurant...
while at the restaurant...
g2/48/6348/3/65953780.rPfEExl9.jpg those are some flooded streets
those are some flooded streets
that mojito looks delightful
that mojito looks delightful
tami got this nice shot of the guy getting drenched
tami got this nice shot of the guy getting drenched
the Bodeguito Bunch !
the Bodeguito Bunch !