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Sue Estey | profile | all galleries >> Kayaking >> 2015.10 Paddling the Petaluma River tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2015.10 Paddling the Petaluma River

At high water, it is possible to explore the sloughs that join the Petaluma River. We put in at the Petaluma Marina and paddled downstream awhile, then headed east into some of the side channels. When we got hungry, we turned back upstream and stopped at Dempsey's for lunch. Afterward, several of us continued upstream until our kayaks began scraping the bottom. Nice quiet day on the water.
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Old boat and ?? on the western shore 011.jpg
Old boat and ?? on the western shore 011.jpg
Heading into the wetlands 013 - V2.jpg
Heading into the wetlands 013 - V2.jpg
Kayaking among the grasses _014.jpg
Kayaking among the grasses _014.jpg
Fran backs out of a dead end _016.jpg
Fran backs out of a dead end _016.jpg
That's one way to get your boat all foamy _017.jpg
That's one way to get your boat all foamy _017.jpg
Where shall we go next? _018.jpg
Where shall we go next? _018.jpg
Let's try a wider channel _019.jpg
Let's try a wider channel _019.jpg
Getting narrower _020.jpg
Getting narrower _020.jpg
After we backed out and returned to wider waters _021.jpg
After we backed out and returned to wider waters _021.jpg
Ging _022.jpg
Ging _022.jpg
Reflections on the River _023.jpg
Reflections on the River _023.jpg
Conversations on the way up to Petaluma _024.jpg
Conversations on the way up to Petaluma _024.jpg
Shoreline shrubbery _025.jpg
Shoreline shrubbery _025.jpg
A gentle boat wake _030.jpg
A gentle boat wake _030.jpg
Venerable craft still afloat _031.jpg
Venerable craft still afloat _031.jpg
Sighting the new railroad bridge _032.jpg
Sighting the new railroad bridge _032.jpg
Probably part of a dredging operation _033.jpg
Probably part of a dredging operation _033.jpg
There is a cormorant on that high piling _034.jpg
There is a cormorant on that high piling _034.jpg
An egret on the dock _037.jpg
An egret on the dock _037.jpg
and a Great Blue Heron beyond that egret _038.jpg
and a Great Blue Heron beyond that egret _038.jpg
Cormorant _039.jpg
Cormorant _039.jpg
New lift bridge, giant cranes beyond _041.jpg
New lift bridge, giant cranes beyond _041.jpg
Freeway bridge with more lanes under construction _042.jpg
Freeway bridge with more lanes under construction _042.jpg
Crane and other construction equipment _043.jpg
Crane and other construction equipment _043.jpg
Water under the bridge _044.jpg
Water under the bridge _044.jpg
Protective boom _045.jpg
Protective boom _045.jpg
River Dolphin touring the Petaluma River _047.jpg
River Dolphin touring the Petaluma River _047.jpg
Cool craft on land _048.jpg
Cool craft on land _048.jpg
Riverfront lodging _049.jpg
Riverfront lodging _049.jpg
D Street bridge ahead _050.jpg
D Street bridge ahead _050.jpg
6 feet of headroom will be plenty for us _053.jpg
6 feet of headroom will be plenty for us _053.jpg
Pedestrian bridge north of the downtown turning basin _054.jpg
Pedestrian bridge north of the downtown turning basin _054.jpg
Imagining the turbulence when the water hits the high marks _055 - V2.jpg
Imagining the turbulence when the water hits the high marks _055 - V2.jpg
Very tame today north of Payran St _056.jpg
Very tame today north of Payran St _056.jpg
Starting to look like we're out in the country _057.jpg
Starting to look like we're out in the country _057.jpg
Oaks on the eroding bluff _058.jpg
Oaks on the eroding bluff _058.jpg
Railroad bridge, end of paddle for today _059.jpg
Railroad bridge, end of paddle for today _059.jpg
Heading downstream with the ebb tide _060.jpg
Heading downstream with the ebb tide _060.jpg
Dairymen's Feed, formerly known as Poultry Producers of Central California _061.jpg
Dairymen's Feed, formerly known as Poultry Producers of Central California _061.jpg
Back past the shorebound working boat _063.jpg
Back past the shorebound working boat _063.jpg
and the freeway bridge construction zone _065.jpg
and the freeway bridge construction zone _065.jpg
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