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Sue Estey | profile | all galleries >> Kayaking >> Tomales Bay 12 July 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tomales Bay 12 July 2009

Breezy afternoon on Tomales Bay, wind from the northwest. Put in at Nick's Cove, head out past Hog Island, paddle into the lee of the far shore. Some saw elk by paddling into the teeth of the wind sweeping down White's Gulch. After a brief break, many braved the breeze just a little longer - then blew back down to the put-in. Wish Nick's Cove was still a funky bar with barbecued oysters at prices mere mortals could manage...
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Tom fresh from launching at the boat ramp - 20090712_Tomales_001.jpg
Tom fresh from launching at the boat ramp - 20090712_Tomales_001.jpg
Eelgrass shallows 20090712_Tomales_002.jpg
Eelgrass shallows 20090712_Tomales_002.jpg
John - Ewaan (?) in his bright Seaward 20090712_Tomales_003.jpg
John - Ewaan (?) in his bright Seaward 20090712_Tomales_003.jpg
Tropical fish Swift 20090712_Tomales_007.jpg
Tropical fish Swift 20090712_Tomales_007.jpg
Channel Marker 20090712_Tomales_009.jpg
Channel Marker 20090712_Tomales_009.jpg
Hal in Blue 20090712_Tomales_010.jpg
Hal in Blue 20090712_Tomales_010.jpg
White cliffs of Pt Reyes 20090712_Tomales_011.jpg
White cliffs of Pt Reyes 20090712_Tomales_011.jpg
Rock gardening, wimp style 20090712_Tomales_013.jpg
Rock gardening, wimp style 20090712_Tomales_013.jpg
Lisa 20090712_Tomales_018.jpg
Lisa 20090712_Tomales_018.jpg
Dave with low freeboard 20090712_Tomales_019.jpg
Dave with low freeboard 20090712_Tomales_019.jpg
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