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Sue Estey | profile | all galleries >> Kayaking >> Ferry Point to Red Rock tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ferry Point to Red Rock

Perfect weather - warm, sunny, a little breeze - and a flood tide. We launched at Ferry Point, Point Richmond, nearly midday, gave the tankers at Richmond long wharf a wide berth, and headed for Red Rock on the flood. We managed to get past it before being carried along its shore, then landed in the eddy on the downstream side. Lunch and exploration, then we headed back home, upstream. Buoy 7 had a decent wake, water still heading for Benicia. 08Aug09
Susan M approaching Red Rock - 1
Susan M approaching Red Rock - 1
Slot view of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge - 8
Slot view of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge - 8
Packing up after lunch - 11
Packing up after lunch - 11
Mt Tam in the distance - 15
Mt Tam in the distance - 15
Gulls of all ages - 19
Gulls of all ages - 19
Red Layers - 27
Red Layers - 27
Last look at Red Rock - 28
Last look at Red Rock - 28
Wake at Buoy 7 - 34
Wake at Buoy 7 - 34