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Rob Sarberenyi | profile | all galleries >> Railroads >> Diesel Walk-Around series >> EMD SD45-2 HLCX 6411 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

EMD SD45-2 HLCX 6411

Helm Leasing lease unit HLCX #6411, an EMD SD45-2, photographed at Warm Springs Yard in Fremont, CA. The locomotive has "SD40-2" stenciled on the cab, more than likely to denote derating from the 20-cylinder 3,600 hp engine to 16-cylinder 3,000 hp. The unit was originally Santa Fe SD45-2 #5714, b/n 74603-10, built May 1974. It later went to the Trona Railway, then was acquired by HLCX.
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