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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Special Destination Trips and Holidays (Multiple Galleries) >> * Tide Rip GrizzlyTours - June 23-24, 2012 > Would a grizzly call this 'finger lickin' good?
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24-JUN-2012 Carl Erland

Would a grizzly call this 'finger lickin' good?

BC South Coast

This young grizzly cub is having a muscle feast. Muscles are bivalves found attached to the rocks and kelp along beach tide lines. They're a favourite food of the grizzly and at low tide you can find both the adults and cubs literally licking them off the rocks.

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lou_rozensteins28-Aug-2012 04:19
Excellent shot of this absorbed baby bear!!
Walter Otto Koenig27-Aug-2012 18:33
Very nice photo of this young seafood lover. I had no idea that they did this. "V"
Vickie BROWN27-Aug-2012 17:45
Great capture and illustration, excellent work! V
Guest 27-Aug-2012 14:33
Definitely! V.