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Erik Samwel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yellowstone June 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yellowstone June 2007

Images taken on photo workshop with Robert D. Franz (

The original full size images have been removed. All files shown were downsized

More of the playing grizzly cubs can be found in the mammals --> Baby grizzly bears at play gallery.

I also have created a special gallery for the baby Coyotes under the Mammals gallery. More Coyote puppies will be added there over time.
2  pups playing YELS0708.JPG
2 pups playing YELS0708.JPG
Coyote pup YELS7103-ps.jpg
Coyote pup YELS7103-ps.jpg
chewing YELS0746.JPG
chewing YELS0746.JPG
cubs YELS0692.JPG
cubs YELS0692.JPG
pubs playmngYELS0634.JPG
pubs playmngYELS0634.JPG
pup exposing himself YELS0648.JPG
pup exposing himself YELS0648.JPG
pup with paw YELS0690.JPG
pup with paw YELS0690.JPG
nursing 1600 iso YELS7203.jpg
nursing 1600 iso YELS7203.jpg
nursing IMG_1026.JPG
nursing IMG_1026.JPG
nursing IMG_1033.JPG
nursing IMG_1033.JPG
nursing YELS0461.jpg
nursing YELS0461.jpg
on rock YELS7295.jpg
on rock YELS7295.jpg
howling YELS7281.jpg
howling YELS7281.jpg
Howling Coyote YELS7282.jpg
Howling Coyote YELS7282.jpg
Baby marmotts YELS0434.jpg
Baby marmotts YELS0434.jpg
Marmott IMG_1327.jpg
Marmott IMG_1327.jpg
Otter YELS0129-ps.jpg
Otter YELS0129-ps.jpg
Baby red squirl
Baby red squirl
Baby red squirl in nest
Baby red squirl in nest
baby owls YELS2659.jpg
baby owls YELS2659.jpg
bull bison steam YELS0031-ps.jpg
bull bison steam YELS0031-ps.jpg
cranes YELS1019.JPG
cranes YELS1019.JPG
cranes YELS1087.JPG
cranes YELS1087.JPG
cranes YELS1166.JPG
cranes YELS1166.JPG
Cranes -1 YELS1100.jpg
Cranes -1 YELS1100.jpg
Cranes -2 YELS1100.jpg
Cranes -2 YELS1100.jpg
2 pelicans in flight YELS1808.jpg
2 pelicans in flight YELS1808.jpg
2 pelicans in flight-crop YELS1808.jpg
2 pelicans in flight-crop YELS1808.jpg
Pelican taking off YELS1922.jpg
Pelican taking off YELS1922.jpg
Pelican taking off
Pelican taking off
White Pelican in flight
White Pelican in flight
Hawk YELS2681.jpg
Hawk YELS2681.jpg
Hawk YELS2690.jpg
Hawk YELS2690.jpg
Nest Material Close Up
Nest Material Close Up
Nest Material 2
Nest Material 2
Honey, Look what I found at the Home Depot!
Honey, Look what I found at the Home Depot!
Osprey with nest material YELS0614.jpg
Osprey with nest material YELS0614.jpg
Hey! What are you doing? We have an egg already!
Hey! What are you doing? We have an egg already!
Black Bear at 6400 ISO YELS0389.jpg
Black Bear at 6400 ISO YELS0389.jpg
Grizzly YELS0264-ps.jpg
Grizzly YELS0264-ps.jpg
2 cubs YELS2169.JPG
2 cubs YELS2169.JPG
2 cubs playing YELS2212.JPG
2 cubs playing YELS2212.JPG
2 cubs playing YELS2220.jpg
2 cubs playing YELS2220.jpg
2 cubs playing YELS2221.JPG
2 cubs playing YELS2221.JPG
2 cubs playing YELS2443.jpg
2 cubs playing YELS2443.jpg
2 cubs playing YELS2445 dpp.jpg
2 cubs playing YELS2445 dpp.jpg
bear cub YELS2567.JPG
bear cub YELS2567.JPG
cub front view YELS2515.JPG
cub front view YELS2515.JPG
cubs YELS2148.JPG
cubs YELS2148.JPG
cubs YELS2211.JPG
cubs YELS2211.JPG
cubs playing YELS2444.jpg
cubs playing YELS2444.jpg
cubs playing dpp YELS2445.JPG
cubs playing dpp YELS2445.JPG
grizzly YELS1387.jpg
grizzly YELS1387.jpg
grizzly-crop YELS1387.jpg
grizzly-crop YELS1387.jpg
mother grizzly YELS2277.JPG
mother grizzly YELS2277.JPG
mother with 2 cubs YELS2249.JPG
mother with 2 cubs YELS2249.JPG
standing bear 1
standing bear 1
ram YELS0116.jpg
ram YELS0116.jpg
rams head YELS0113.jpg
rams head YELS0113.jpg
rams head crop YELS0113.jpg
rams head crop YELS0113.jpg
baby elk IMG_1476.jpg
baby elk IMG_1476.jpg
baby elk IMG_1483.jpg
baby elk IMG_1483.jpg
baby elk IMG_1498.jpg
baby elk IMG_1498.jpg
baby elk YELS1328.jpg
baby elk YELS1328.jpg
baby elk YELS1332.jpg
baby elk YELS1332.jpg
mamoth IMG_1410-small.jpg
mamoth IMG_1410-small.jpg