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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of 2006 > Le Pantheon depuis le Luxembourg - Paris
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Le Pantheon depuis le Luxembourg - Paris

Sony DSC-R1
1/320s f/9.0 at 29.7mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Susanne 11-Dec-2007 13:25
Hmmm. Not exactly a "great" picture. Maybe you should quit there bud.
Tim C. 11-Dec-2007 13:24
Exactly what i wanted to see, mate.
Luc VN19-Nov-2006 11:47
My eyes go from front to back and vice-versa.
Yvonne18-Nov-2006 23:18
Fantastic shot, wonderful pov!
poetry66618-Nov-2006 22:26
I like the statue in the foreground and the dome in the background. Making this a lovely composition...v.
Susanne18-Nov-2006 19:53
great view in the manner you presented this angle. very nice subject.
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