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Maaike Huizer | profile | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> My photo-a-day >> 2006 - 2015 >> April 2015: From a Different Angle tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

October 2015: Daily | June 2015: Somewhere in Between | May 2015: As It Comes | April 2015: From a Different Angle | March 2015: Scavenger Hunt | December 2014: The Colours of December | November 2014: a song, a poem, a proverb | O-ctober Scavenger Hunt - 2014 | July 2014: Symmetry | June 2014: Monochrome | April 2014: 30 Things at 150 mm | February 2014: 2 - two | Januari 2014: Trees | December 2013: Advent Calendar | November 2013: Pink Floyd | October 2013: Scavenger Hunt | September 2013: About Me | August 2013: Connections | July 2013: The Place I live | June 2013: Movie / Film Titles | May 2013: Elements of Design | April 2013: Half a Second | March 2013: March Mix | February 2013: Seeing Red | January 2013: It is all black and white | July 2012: Music of the Past | June 2012: Clichés | April 2012: Sensational Season | February 2012: A Few of my Favourite Things | January 2012: Patterns and Shapes | December 2011: Book Titles | November 2011: My World | September 2011: Transition | August 2011: Reflective & Reflections | May 2011: Garden Images | April 2011: Scavenger Hunt | March 2011: Black & White Faces | February 2011: Colored Liquids | January 2011: Gates and Gateways | December 2010: Advent Calendar | November 2010: 6 Series | October 2010: Nature of Things | September 2010: Diary | August 2010: Abstracts | July 2010: Beatles | March 2010: Old and New | February 2010: Action | January 2010: Life in Monochrome | December 2009: Circles, Rectangles and Triangles | November 2009: Pink Floyd | October 2009: Scavenger Hunt | September 2009: Food Details | August 2009: Bikes and Bits of Bikes | July 2009: Seaside Architecture | June 2009: Iron and Steel | May 2009: Through Wide Eyes | April 2009: The Ground I Walk On | March 2009: (Almost) Monochrome (Home) Details | February 2009: Colours and Songs | January 2009: Minimalism | December 2008: Our Cultural Heritage | November 2008: A Song, A Poem or A Proverb | October 2008: Colours of the season | August 2008: A Bit of Everything | July 2008: Mystery Macro's | June 2008: Colours | May 2008: The Other Side | April 2008: Whitish | march 2008: The Blues | february 2008: Let's move | januari 2008: macros and close-ups | december 2007: Fairy Tales | november 2007: Money makes the world go around | october 2007: Alphabet October | september 2007: (square) Seasonal September | august 2007: Come and Go! | july 2007: Yellow | june 2007: r-O-und | may 2007: Windows and Doors | april 2007: Trees | march 2007: Glass | february 2007: Cats Collection | january 2007: Vertical | december 2006: Christmas Time | november 2006: Water | oktober 2006: Numbers | september 2006: White | augustus 2006: Details in and around my house

April 2015: From a Different Angle

Life is a kaleidoscope. Turn your head a different angle and see it a whole new way.
12 - Demolition II 11 - Demolition I 10 - Polder 9 - View ...
8 - Violets  7 - New Mirror 6 - Gliding ... 5 - First Sun
4 - Hiding 3 - So Dutch ... 2 - Bowl 1 - Ceiling