this is certainly not a brown recluse spider. It is an orb spider which is indicated by the size and shape of its thorax which have no similarities to the brown recluse. this particular spider, however; is venomous (not poisonous) as you can and will notice that the fangs of this spider are relatively small. They are small because they do not rely on impaling or biting damage or wounds to inflict on their prey as opposed to a tarantula or sydney funnel web spyder which have very large fangs. The fangs on this orb spider are heavily dependant on the delivery of venom once the bite is inflicted on its prey. This is a trapping spider, not a stalking or hunting spider. The brown recluse is a hunting spider which uses its web solely for hiding and or nesting, not trapping. The brown recluse is an ambush spider. Hope this helps.
29-May-2009 03:41
this is more poisonises than a Black widow its the worse spider in the world