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Ernie Mastroianni | profile | all galleries >> >> Antarctica and the South Pole tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Antarctica and the South Pole

Images and tear sheets from my visit to Antarctica. I was a visiting journalist under a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation during the austral summer of 2000-2001.
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Hard work, hard ice
Hard work, hard ice
Health and Science cover, January 29, 2001
Health and Science cover, January 29, 2001
Coming together
Coming together
Remote camp
Remote camp
Adelie encounter
Adelie encounter
The Emperor's feet
The Emperor's feet
Weddell Seal
Weddell Seal
On the peak of Ob Hill, McMurdo Station, 1 a.m. local time
On the peak of Ob Hill, McMurdo Station, 1 a.m. local time
Middle of the night
Middle of the night
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