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Emad Omar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lovely Roses N' Plants >
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Canon PowerShot A620
1/80s f/4.1 at 29.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis15-Jul-2007 05:14
Perfect capture with an excellent presentation…
Ideal crop and focus attention with great details!
Guest 24-Jun-2007 13:08
This is beautiful Emad! -V-
Martha Albuquerque24-Apr-2007 19:39
lovely Emad, Voted.
flowsnow24-Apr-2007 19:07
This is pretty Emad! V
Azlin Ahmad24-Apr-2007 16:41
Beautiful colours, Emad!
Marcia Colelli24-Apr-2007 12:12
lovely colors, nice compositon V
marie-jose wolff23-Apr-2007 21:01
beautiful spring blossoms, Vote!
Zaid Kurdi23-Apr-2007 19:30
So beautiful :)
Paco López23-Apr-2007 16:19
Beautiful closeup, Emad!!! Nice colours. ¡V!
Fong Lam23-Apr-2007 15:01
Excellent macro, Emad. Beautiful colors and DOF. Vote
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