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Els Branderhorst | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mammals - Zoogdieren tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Mammals - Zoogdieren

All these animals are wild, the photos are taken in their own habitat.

Bank Vole - Rosse Woelmuis
Bank Vole - Rosse Woelmuis
Hare - Haas
Hare - Haas
Rabbit - Konijn
Rabbit - Konijn
Roe Deer - Ree
Roe Deer - Ree
Red Deer - Edelhert
Red Deer - Edelhert
Brown rat - Bruine rat
Brown rat - Bruine rat
Squirrel - Eekhoorn
Squirrel - Eekhoorn
Fox - Vos
Fox - Vos
Coypu - Beverrat
Coypu - Beverrat
Wild Boar - Wild zwijn
Wild Boar - Wild zwijn