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Ed Peterson | profile | all galleries >> Special Family and Friends >> Granddaughter Avery >> Year 6 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Year 6

Having completed five years she is off and running on year 6!
Spring time and swinging in the fresh air is a must!
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Spring time and swinging in the fresh air is a must!

Playing on the computer while waiting for dinner to get served.
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Playing on the computer while waiting for dinner to get served.

Somebody clipped her in the eye but she had some sparkle makeup on.

Somebody clipped her in the eye but she had some sparkle makeup on.

Stepping right out!

Stepping right out!

Not sure if the jump was early or late, but it was completed!

Not sure if the jump was early or late, but it was completed!

In sync with everyone else! That is talent!

In sync with everyone else! That is talent!

Routine over!  Had fun!  So did the grandparents!

Routine over! Had fun! So did the grandparents!

Doesn't matter how many fits during the year, come Christmas and everything is sweet and cute.

Doesn't matter how many fits during the year, come Christmas and everything is sweet and cute.

All ready for Halloween!

All ready for Halloween!

Putting decorations on Grandpa's snack bag.

Putting decorations on Grandpa's snack bag.

Mom and daughter.

Mom and daughter.

Wanted a double layered rainbow cake and mom got it done!

Wanted a double layered rainbow cake and mom got it done!

Cake was even rainbow are in the inside.  And it was good!

Cake was even rainbow are in the inside. And it was good!