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Ella Gahnt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eddie Bruce & Friends with guests Ella Gahnt and Michael Kelly tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Eddie Bruce & Friends with guests Ella Gahnt and Michael Kelly

Eddie Bruce with the Tom Adams Trio (Tom Adams-piano, Kevin McConnell-bass, Grant McAvoy-drums) - Special Guest Vocalists: Ella Gahnt and Michael Kelly
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Leon Mitchell, Eddie Bruce & Tom Adams -001
Leon Mitchell, Eddie Bruce & Tom Adams -001
Kevin McConnell -011
Kevin McConnell -011
Grant McElvoy -012
Grant McElvoy -012
Eddie Bruce -036
Eddie Bruce -036
Eddie -037
Eddie -037
Eddie -038
Eddie -038
Ella Gahnt -044
Ella Gahnt -044
Ell -055
Ell -055
Michael Kelly -065
Michael Kelly -065
Eddie -066
Eddie -066
Tom Adams -074
Tom Adams -074
Ella -085
Ella -085
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