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Eldar Kadymov | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Grûß Gott Und Gruezi, Wonderful Alpine Countries, V2 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Grûß Gott Und Gruezi, Wonderful Alpine Countries, V2

This is the second gallery devoted to countries of Alpine region. The first one could be seen at . We came back to Germany, our second Faterland, after 12 long years of absence and also decided to explore the rest of Alpine region. So, what did we find there... The same warmhearted and wonderful people who smile to you not just because they need your business, crisp and refreshing beer coupled with authentic national cuisine, freedom of flying at any speeds on autobahns, majestic landscapes, stunning castles and romantic medieval towns, rich culture and amazing national heritage, and, most of all, freedom of being really free which you could feel only in Europe... Greetings in German and Swiss mean simply "Hello", this is just the way they greet you over there. I hope you make your way through all pages, they are all equally good, or maybe horrible :-), but I did try to keep them as entertaining as possible. Please, click on thumbnails to open the image. Music background based on German folklore songs, classics and even marches of Third Reich :-), is part of every image. So, you might want to turn your speakers on. All pictures were taken by Olympus 7070 and Canon S45. Your comments and, especially, votes for gallery :-) would be also very appreciated, please, tell about your likes or dislikes. You might leave comments in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
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Jesas in St. Benedict Monastery, Austria
Jesas in St. Benedict Monastery, Austria
Magnificient Strasburg, Small France
Magnificient Strasburg, Small France
Training Prior To October Fest, Jesas One Liter Each....
Training Prior To October Fest, Jesas One Liter Each....
Biggest Coockoo Clock in The World, Schwartzwald, Germany
Biggest Coockoo Clock in The World, Schwartzwald, Germany
Ceilings in Sigmaringen Castle, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
Ceilings in Sigmaringen Castle, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
Ultimate Driving Machine
Ultimate Driving Machine
Castle Chillon, Montreaux , Switzerland
Castle Chillon, Montreaux , Switzerland
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,- Bless My Homeland Forever...
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,- Bless My Homeland Forever...
Inside The Castle, Salzburg, Austria
Inside The Castle, Salzburg, Austria
Mein Zwei Deutsch Hotties Mit Ihrem Porsche, On the Way To Party, Tegernsee, Germany
Mein Zwei Deutsch Hotties Mit Ihrem Porsche, On the Way To Party, Tegernsee, Germany
Matterhorn in Summer, Swiss Alps
Matterhorn in Summer, Swiss Alps
Heindelsberg's Madonna  And Red Castle, Germany
Heindelsberg's Madonna And Red Castle, Germany
Lake Maggiore, Italian Alps
Lake Maggiore, Italian Alps
My Beloved Freddie Mercury,- Show Must Go On...Swiss Alps
My Beloved Freddie Mercury,- Show Must Go On...Swiss Alps
Misty Day in Lindau, Germany
Misty Day in Lindau, Germany
Hohenzollerns Schtandarts, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
Hohenzollerns Schtandarts, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
Bahnhof Square, Zermatt, Swiss Alps
Bahnhof Square, Zermatt, Swiss Alps
Fantastic Roesti , Interlaken , Switzerland
Fantastic Roesti , Interlaken , Switzerland
Parliament in Vienna, Austria
Parliament in Vienna, Austria
Hanging Dangeon in Chillon Castle, Everything Is XIII Century, Rope Is Modern, Switzerland
Hanging Dangeon in Chillon Castle, Everything Is XIII Century, Rope Is Modern, Switzerland
Gedaechtniskirche in Berlin, Germany
Gedaechtniskirche in Berlin, Germany
Lake Lucerne,Switzerland
Lake Lucerne,Switzerland
Sunflower Field, Sauerlach, Bavaria
Sunflower Field, Sauerlach, Bavaria
Summer In Alps, Switzerland
Summer In Alps, Switzerland
Super Pizza, Zermatt, Switzerland
Super Pizza, Zermatt, Switzerland
Gates of Nurnbergs Castle, Bavaria, Germany
Gates of Nurnbergs Castle, Bavaria, Germany
Color of Alps, Deutschland Ist Uber Alles
Color of Alps, Deutschland Ist Uber Alles
Charming Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
Charming Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
Psychopath Behind The Wheel, Germany
Psychopath Behind The Wheel, Germany
They Don't Mix... But Look So Cool Together, Austrian Alps
They Don't Mix... But Look So Cool Together, Austrian Alps
Clock Tower in Bern, Switzerland
Clock Tower in Bern, Switzerland
Something's Wrong With Lunch... Students In Vienna, Austria
Something's Wrong With Lunch... Students In Vienna, Austria
Our Big Friend Berhardiner, Swiss Alps
Our Big Friend Berhardiner, Swiss Alps
Morning in Austrian Alps, Linz, Austria
Morning in Austrian Alps, Linz, Austria
XV Century Fire Truck :-)  in Chillon Castle ,  Switzerland
XV Century Fire Truck :-) in Chillon Castle , Switzerland
Baroque Church in Vienna, Austria
Baroque Church in Vienna, Austria
Na Endlich ! Heiliges Scheise !!! Flying At 220 Km/Hour, Germany
Na Endlich ! Heiliges Scheise !!! Flying At 220 Km/Hour, Germany
Local Specialty,- Wild Deer in Mushroom Sause, St. Veit, Austria
Local Specialty,- Wild Deer in Mushroom Sause, St. Veit, Austria
Street Performer in Montreaux
Street Performer in Montreaux
Sigmaringen, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
Sigmaringen, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany
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