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Eric H | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Western Reserve Free-mo March 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Western Reserve Free-mo March 2011

HO scale Free-mo modular meet in Lodi, Ohio.
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Michgan modules unloaded and ready to assemble.
Michgan modules unloaded and ready to assemble.
Underside of a completed Free-mo module.
Underside of a completed Free-mo module.
Wayne's first Free-mo module.
Wayne's first Free-mo module.
Ivan surveys the scene.
Ivan surveys the scene.
An assembled Free-mo layout.
An assembled Free-mo layout.
Peering down the mainline from one end of the layout.
Peering down the mainline from one end of the layout.
John and Wayne discuss scenic elements.
John and Wayne discuss scenic elements.
Another view of the end module.
Another view of the end module.
The other end of the layout.
The other end of the layout.
Phil switches cars around in the small interchange yard.
Phil switches cars around in the small interchange yard.
Rolling down the mainline.
Rolling down the mainline.
A closer crop of the previous image.
A closer crop of the previous image.
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