Hello! Am interested in using your photo of the outside of the Reston Monkey house in a book I am writing. Please contact me at benn6120@att.net Thanks - Cindy Bennett
18-Feb-2015 16:47
sorry I made a mistake, it's sduyck(at)nouvelobs.com Thanks
18-Feb-2015 16:46
Hi, I work at the picture desk of the website of a french newsmagazine. We'd love to publish some of your pictures of the Reston monkey house to illustrate a story. Could you let me know if it's possible ? Thanks a lot ! Best, SD sduyck(at)tnouvelobs.com
19-Oct-2014 13:38
Hi there. This is a long shot, but I'm Kari Pugh, editor of InsideNoVa.com. We're working on a story about the Reston monkey house and I would love to use one of your photos, with full credit, of course. If you get this, please email me at kpugh@princewilliamtoday.com. Thank you!
13-Oct-2010 19:25
I came here looking for pictures of "The Hot Zone." Even though as you say they may not be the most earthshaking images, I was glad to see them. Thanks for posting them.
06-Oct-2008 01:50
Just to let you know,,,My name is E.G. Bradshaw... small world isn't it!