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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Flora & Fauna >> Fauna > 23.05.2008
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London Zoo - UK

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Markus Grompe11-Dec-2016 17:40
great shot...
Ken Zaret10-Dec-2016 21:41
Beautiful shot indeed! Well rendered.
Gill Kopy10-Dec-2016 06:35
This photograph was the 1st place winner in the PBase 422nd Show & Tell Competition. "Birds"
rocky08-Apr-2010 00:17
A beauty! =V=
Silvia Roitman23-May-2008 17:33
great portreit!
Fong Lam23-May-2008 17:27
Excellent head shot with great details.
Sandi Whitteker23-May-2008 09:02
Fabulous portrait of this pink pelican. Pink???