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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Flora & Fauna >> Flora > Sunflower I
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Sunflower I

Swindon - UK

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Guest 01-Apr-2009 10:23
Yes! I love this one. Perfect. V
Bartosz Kotulski21-Feb-2009 22:57
this is just beautiful simply but composition is just great
love it
marko gregoric21-Jan-2009 10:35
Perfect. V.
Guest 02-Oct-2008 04:08
I'like the colors, there are so good balanced. Great job!
Guest 05-Jul-2008 13:17
Great shot!
Chapelle Marc15-May-2008 10:16
very beautiful...Marc
Guest 26-Dec-2007 10:37
Stunning image. Love the colors. V
monica memoli02-Oct-2007 23:21
Bellissima! v
Robyco25-Sep-2007 07:12
Well done !! (V)
great crop, very powerfull !!
Greg Harp18-Sep-2007 22:01
Outstanding! V
Renee Lockett17-Sep-2007 13:08
Superb comp!!!
René Gysi17-Sep-2007 11:57
Beautiful colors and details. V
Guest 17-Sep-2007 06:57
Wonderful! Love the detail and colors! Thanks!
malcolm haslam17-Sep-2007 05:54
Brilliant contrast....marvelous image. v