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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Emozioni > On stage: Max
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On stage: Max

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/80s f/4.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Christine P. Newman03-Aug-2010 01:38
Beautiful treatment.
Guest 02-Aug-2010 10:19
Very nice mood in this image. V
Guest 05-Jan-2009 07:38
Andrys saw what I saw. Very much like Rembrandt. Fantastic, painting with the camera.
Guest 30-Mar-2008 19:26
Magnifique. vote.
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Mar-2008 13:51
Andrys Basten12-Oct-2007 11:50
Just saw this at the weekly contest.

Very Rembrandt-like!
Eric Herbelin09-Sep-2007 11:54
beautiful image
Guest 09-Sep-2007 11:52
great work, bravo.
Milos Markovic06-Sep-2007 12:36
Wonderful work, Enrico!
olivier bruning05-Sep-2007 21:21
wonderful! really excellent image, V
Guest 05-Sep-2007 18:05
Silvia Roitman05-Sep-2007 17:27
great light!
Guest 05-Sep-2007 15:35
I like this one very much. Classical feel. I have no idea how you got a lightning like this. To me it's heavenly.
Terri Steele05-Sep-2007 12:27
Tis a brilliant portrait! Excellent work.
Robyco05-Sep-2007 09:46
Excellent lightplay !! (V)
Giancarlo Guzzardi05-Sep-2007 08:58
great use of the light
Guest 05-Sep-2007 08:51
Indeed, a fantastic Medieval photo! V.
Adalberto Tiburzi05-Sep-2007 07:37
Absolutely Medieval.
Shimon Levkovich05-Sep-2007 07:10
Excellent portrait!!!
fred_il05-Sep-2007 07:07