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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Faith & Devotion > Via Crucis
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Via Crucis

Nostra Signora degli Angeli - Genoa
Taken outside the small church I used to go in my youth.

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Guest 20-Jul-2007 02:45
Very nice detail! Broken glass edge?
Guest 05-Apr-2007 04:20
Les voies du seigneur sont impenetrables! Sorry, I couldn't resist this one. Interestingly, on the internet, you can find as many "Voix du Seigneur" - the voices - as "Voies" - path - that in this sentence does not make any sense.
Nice colorful capture.
Luca Zanoni04-Apr-2007 20:48
ai...bellissima. v
Greg Harp04-Apr-2007 17:49
Gorgeous work.